368 research outputs found

    Serum C-reactive protein measurement for ruling out HIV-associated tuberculosis.

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    Antiretroviral treatment as prevention: impact of the 'test and treat' strategy on the tuberculosis epidemic.

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    Antiretroviral therapy (ART) has been remarkably effective in ameliorating Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-associated morbidity and mortality. The rapid decline in viral load during ART also presents an opportunity to develop a "treatment as prevention" strategy in order to reduce HIV transmission at a population level. Modelling exercises have demonstrated that for this strategy to be effective, early initiation of ART with high coverage of the HIV-infected population will be required. The HIV epidemic has fueled a resurgence of tuberculosis (TB) particularly in sub- Saharan Africa and widespread early initiation of ART could also impact this epidemic via several mechanisms. The proportion of patients with low CD4 cell counts who are at high risk of TB disease from progression of both latent and new TB infection would be greatly reduced. Entry into a life-long ART program provides an ongoing opportunity for intensified TB case finding among the HIV-infected population. Regular screening for HIV infection also presents an opportunity for intensified TB case finding in the general population. The combined effect of reduced progression of infection to disease and intensified case finding could reduce the overall prevalence of infectious TB, thereby further decreasing TB transmission. In addition, decreasing prevalence of HIV infection would reduce the TB-susceptible pool within the population. The 'test and treat' strategy therefore has potential to reduce the TB risk at both an individual and a population level. In this paper we explore the expected "TB dividend" of wider access to ART and also explore the potential of the "test and treat" strategy to impact on TB transmission, particularly in the heavily burdened setting of sub- Saharan Africa

    Detection of lipoarabinomannan (LAM) in urine is indicative of disseminated TB with renal involvement in patients living with HIV and advanced immunodeficiency: evidence and implications.

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    TB is the leading cause of HIV/AIDS-related deaths globally. New diagnostic tools are urgently needed to avert deaths from undiagnosed HIV-associated TB. Although simple assays that detect lipoarabinomannan (LAM) in urine have been commercially available for years, their specific role and utility were initially misunderstood, such that they have been slower to emerge from the diagnostics pipeline than otherwise might have been expected. In this article, we review and explain how urine-LAM assays should be understood as diagnostics for disseminated TB in HIV-positive patients with advanced immunodeficiency, in whom haematogenous TB dissemination to the kidneys serves as the primary mechanism by which LAM enters the urine. These insights are critical for the appropriate design of studies to evaluate these assays and to understand how they might be most usefully implemented. This understanding also supports the 2015 WHO recommendations on the restricted use of these assays in sick HIV-positive patients with advanced immunodeficiency

    Strategies to improve patient retention on antiretroviral therapy in sub-Saharan Africa

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    The scale-up of antiretroviral therapy (ART) has been one of the success stories of sub-Saharan Africa, where coverage has increased from about 2% in 2003 to more than 40% 5 years later. However, tempering this success is a growing concern about patient retention (the proportion of patients who are alive and remaining on ART in the health system). Based on the personal experience of the authors, 10 key interventions are presented and discussed that might help to improve patient retention. These are (1) the need for simple and standardized monitoring systems to track what is happening, (2) reliable ascertainment of true outcomes of patients lost to follow-up, (3) implementation of measures to reduce early mortality in patients both before and during ART, (4) ensuring uninterrupted drug supplies, (5) consideration of simple, non-toxic ART regimens, (6) decentralization of ART care to health centres and the community, (7) a reduction in indirect costs for patients particularly in relation to transport to and from clinics, (8) strengthening links within and between health services and the community, (9) the use of ART clinics to deliver other beneficial patient or family-orientated packages of care such as insecticide-treated bed nets, and (10) innovative (thinking ‘out of the box’) interventions. High levels of retention on ART are vital for individual patients, for credibility of programmes and for on-going resource and financial support

    Prevalence of HIV-associated ophthalmic disease among patients enrolling for antiretroviral treatment in India: a cross-sectional study.

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    BACKGROUND: The ocular manifestations of HIV may lead to visual impairment or blindness. In India, patients typically initiate antiretroviral treatment (ART) with low CD4 cell counts when the risk of ocular complications may be high. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and types of HIV-associated ocular conditions in patients referred for ART in India. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was undertaken at a large public sector ART centre in Mumbai, India. Data collection including a standardised symptom screen, and an ophthalmic examination were performed on all consecutive patients satisfying the criteria for enrollment into the ART clinic irrespective of the presence or absence of ophthalmic/visual symptoms. RESULTS: Enrolled patients (n = 149) had a median CD4 cell count of 180 cell/microL (inter-quartile range [IQR], 106-253 cells/microL). The prevalence of HIV-associated ocular disease was 17.5% (95% CI, 11.2-23.6%) in all participants and 23.8% (95% CI: 14.5-33.1) in those with CD4 cell counts <200 cells/microL (n = 84). Only 7.7% of patients with HIV-associated ocular disease reported any eye symptoms in the standardised symptom screen. Objective visual impairment was detected in 20% of those with HIV-associated ocular disease compared to 6% in those without ocular manifestations (p = 0.02). Vitreoretinal disease was the most common manifestation, of which cytomegalovirus retinitis (CMVR) was the most frequent retinal infection (overall prevalence 8.7%, 95% CI: 4.1-13.3%). In a multivariable analysis, HIV-associated ocular disease was independently associated with a CD4 count <100 cells/microL (odds ratio [OR], 6.3, 95% CI: 1.5-25.9) and WHO clinical stages 3 and 4 (OR 9.4, 95% CI: 2.4-37.2). However, symptoms were not independently predictive of ocular disease. Sensitivity of ocular symptom screening was 7.7%, with a positive predictive value of 18% in this population. CONCLUSION: Over a fifth of unselected patients who are eligible for ART in this setting have HIV-related ocular disease of which CMVR is the most common form. Such patients may be at risk of developing ocular immune reconstitution phenomena during ART. Screening for ocular symptoms is not a reliable method to identify those with ocular morbidity and this highlights the need for routine ophthalmic screening prior to commencement of ART

    Prognostic value of a quantitative analysis of lipoarabinomannan in urine from patients with HIV-associated tuberculosis

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    BACKGROUND: Detection of the mycobacterial cell wall antigen lipoarabinomannan (LAM) in urine can be used to diagnose HIV-associated tuberculosis (TB) using a qualitative (positive/negative) read-out. However, it is not known whether the quantity of LAM present in urine provides additional prognostic information. Methods/FINDINGS: Consecutively recruited adult outpatients initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART) in South Africa were investigated for TB regardless of clinical symptoms using sputum smear microscopy and liquid culture (reference standard). Urine samples were tested using the Clearview TB-ELISA for LAM and the Xpert MTB/RIF assay. The ELISA optical densities (OD) were used as a quantitative assessment of urine LAM. Among 514 patients with complete sputum and urine LAM OD results, culture-confirmed TB was diagnosed in 84 patients. Twenty-three (27.3%) were LAM-positive with a median LAM OD of 0.68 (IQR 0.16-2.43; range, 0.10-3.29) and 61 (72.6%) were LAM negative (LAM OD <0.1 above background). Higher LAM ODs were associated with a range of prognostic indices, including lower CD4 cell counts, lower haemoglobin levels, higher blood neutrophil counts and higher mycobacterial load as assessed using both sputum and urine samples. The median LAM OD among patients who died was more than 6.8-fold higher than that of patients who remained alive at 3 months (P<0.001). The small number of deaths, however, precluded adequate assessment of mortality risk stratified according to urine LAM OD. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with HIV-associated TB, concentrations of LAM in urine were strongly associated with a range of poor prognostic characteristics known to be associated with mortality risk. Urine LAM assays with a semi-quantitative (negative vs. low-positive vs. high-positive) read-out may have improved clinical utility over assays with a simple binary result